WNH requires a minimum of 5 registrations to run a class.
Unfortunately, WNH does not accept American Express, City Bank or Diners Club.
If you would like to join a class or club mid-way through, please discuss it with the manager.
Refunds will be issued if a course or class is cancelled by WNH.
Tuition fees are required prior to the commencement of the class or course. We cannot confirm enrolments until payments have been received.
Where possible, please advise staff of your intent to withdraw from a club or class.
If, due to a medical reason or exceptional life circumstance, you need to withdraw from a club or class, please speak to the manager.
WNH is unable to provide cash refunds.
If applicable, refunds will be pro-rata.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to the staff team.